Al-Fateh Market, Plot No. 1-C, Bazar No. 10, Class III Shopping Centre, G-9/3 Islamabad.
Tel: +92-51-2255204
Email: tienspakisb@tiens.com.pk
Our Four Branches in Pakistan represent not just an expansion of physical locations but a deepened commitment to being an integral part of the local business landscape. Each branch is uniquely positioned to cater to the specific needs of its region, ensuring that our services are tailored to the diverse demands of the Pakistani market.
Al-Fateh Market, Plot No. 1-C, Bazar No. 10, Class III Shopping Centre, G-9/3 Islamabad.
Tel: +92 51 2263255-56
Al-Fateh Market, Plot No. 1-C, Bazar No. 10, Class III Shopping Centre, G-9/3 Islamabad.
Tel: +92-51-2255204
Email: tienspakisb@tiens.com.pk
Off #17 & 18 MZ Floor, Al Hafeez Executive, Block C3, Opposite Firdous Market, Gulberg III Lahore.
Tel: +92-42-35778891-92
Email: tienspaklhr@tiens.com.pk
1st Floor A-9/4, Gulgasht Colony,
Bosan Road, Multan, Pakistan.
Tel: +92-61-6223699
Email: tienspakmul@tiens.com.pk
Sky Mark Tower Office # 3,4,5 & 6
G. Floor Near National Savings
House Karachi, Pakistan.
Tel: +92-21-34550817
Email: tienspakkhi@tiens.com.pk